Oliver Namanda, an 11-year-old girl from Kiboga, was last seen selling boiled maize in town before disappearing on June 11, 2024. With a bright smile and a gentle heart, Oliver was a beloved daughter, sister, and friend, her young life filled with dreams and laughter. The next day, her family’s worst fears were realized when Oliver was found, her life stolen in a tragic act of ritual sacrifice.
This devastating loss has shaken our hearts and renewed our determination. Oliver’s story is not just her own; it speaks to the silent struggles and unseen dangers faced by vulnerable children across our communities. No child should ever have to suffer as she did, and no family should endure such a heart-wrenching loss.
Cherished Children’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that every child is safe, valued, and protected. We worked alongside law enforcement to seek justice for Oliver, resulting in two suspects being charged and remanded in prison. But justice is only one part of the journey. Our mission is to prevent this from happening to any other child, to create communities where children can grow up without fear.
Help us honor Oliver’s memory by joining us in this fight. Together, we can protect the lives of countless innocent children and stand as a force against such senseless cruelty. Please consider supporting our mission with a donation today—every contribution makes a difference and brings us one step closer to a safer future for all.